Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Anger is a blessing!

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Motivations, Inspirations, Wise words:

"Patient is still feeling angry, but not use them to humble themselves and ruin the relationships with others.
Anger is a blessing, where we find a great power to change the miserable state of the public or destroy nature.
What is prohibited is the use of anger that cause damage to yourself, good relationships with others, or damaging nature."

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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Who will reach the highest level of life?

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Motivations, Inspirations, Wise words:
Who will reach the highest level of life?
A. Those who irritable, quick-tempered if rejected, and hostile to those who disagree.
B. Those who do not know if he quipped, speak out frankly speaking, think little of offending others.
C. Those who aren't whining, accept the criticism as an input to improve themselves, and be patient because the best is yet to come.
So which one will you choose??

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We are deserve to avenge the betrayal

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Motivations, Inspirations, Wise words:

Only those you trust can betray you.
People who don't know you can't let you down.
If your friend betrayed you, tell me what would you do?
A. Forgive him, but did not pursue the friendship.
B. Severely reprimanded and warned all acquaintances to be careful against him.
C. Forgive, but punish him.

Probable Answer:

We are deserve to avenge the betrayal, but it would be better for us if we forgive.
Not all mistakes can be forgiven without having any responsibility.
A leader who blind-eyed of dishonesty without demanding accountability, has modeled its original dishonesty, and will build a society that is not honest.
All mistakes can be forgiven, but not all of them are free from responsibility.

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Monday, July 4, 2011

Be Lazy for Being Lazy! | Motivations

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Motivations, Inspirations, Wise Words:

For the youths who were feeling lazy, or friend who is not young but still lazy,

On this particular day, try to imagine ...

Is it possible that lazy people get a chance to be caught up to the level of the good life, let alone to the highest layers of the sky?

We do not need you yourself lazy, stay for being lazy, but be lazy  worthless things.

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sincerity to seek for better life| Motivations

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Sense of debt because they do not do that we already know we should do, is alarmist liver, the destroyer of sleep and intense awareness.

Hmm ... future such as what can be achieved by people who dream big, plan and talk a lot, but afraid to act?

Indeed, respect for oneself is the source of sincerity to seek for better life.

Let your heart free and live in peace| Motivations

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Most of our grief is not caused by the newly occurred, but by the repetition of the memory of errors and ill-treatment of others in the past.

Indeed, bad memories hurt more than the adverse events of this day.

So do not deepen your old incision wound by repeating the anger and the sadness of the past.

Let your heart free and live in peace.

The Young The Great

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All great men were defeated by the people who are not counted.

So do not be discouraged careful if you are treated as unimportant.

Not taken into account is the protection of young people who are self escalate, so they are envious do not hinder its growth.

Indeed, God is saving you for something important.

Be patient.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Succes or Fail Needs Time!

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To be successful OR fail,
both take time.

People who succeed at the age of 40 years, can fail at that age if he abandoned 40 years of his life.

The time it takes to succeed
SAME with the time needed to fail.

People who do not use the time
to succeed, is using his time
to thwart the himself.


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Among these three best friends
Who is the MOST DIFFICULT taking advice?

A. People who have successfully
as professionals or entrepreneurs.

B. People who are still on the way up
in a professional career or business,

C. People whose lives are still the focus
and unclear priorities.

Who usually offended and criticized?


A. People who have succeeded, usually choosing from whom he received advice. But he managed to out of respect for good advice.

B. People who are on the way up a career, usually thirsty advice to accelerate success.

C. People whose lives have not been focused and his priority unclear, it is usually confused and stressed. That is why they are easily offended and criticized, if misunderstood.


A. People who have succeeded, usually choosing from whom he received advice. But he managed to out of respect for good advice.

B. People who are on the way up a career, usually thirsty advice to accelerate success.

C. People whose lives have not been focused and his priority unclear, it is usually confused and stressed. That is why they are easily offended and criticized, if misunderstood.

The Talent to become Very Successful

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Actually a lot from you  who have the talent to become very successful in the future.

But there are forces of darkness are not willing to see a brilliant the good life.

That is why they introduce momentary pleasure that set you up for doing something bad that undermine your future.

Comply with good advice, because it's all for your good.

Be good!

Weakness Breakthrough | Motivations

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Everyone has strengths and weaknesses of each.

Some are grateful for his strength, forgive his weaknesses and prevent it of the blocking strength to play a role bringing goodness to our life.


There is regret his weakness and wail, so that he cancel the usefulness from whatever power there is in him.

The growth of our life is determined by which we are grateful.